What is “기가 막히다(gi-ga ma-ki-da)” mean?
What is “기가 막히다(gi-ga ma-ki-da)” mean?
Like A Korean
Q: 선생님 TV에서 “기가 막히다”라는 말을 많이 들었어요. It says “unbelievable”, 그런데 더 자세하게 알고 싶어요.
I’ve heard the phrase “기가 막히다” a lot on TV. It says “unbelievable,” but I want to know more about it.
A: 맞아요. “기가 막히다”는 좀 충격적이거나 믿기 힘든 일이 있을 때 말해요.
That’s right. “gi-ga ma-ki-da” is an idiomatic Korean, and it refers to when something shocking or unbelievable happens.
“기(Gi)” refers to the power of activity, the driving force. In Eastern philosophy, the fundamental power of creation and movement of all things is called ‘gi’. A momentary loss of consciousness due to fear, surprise, or grief is called “gi-jeol,” which means that the energy flowing through the body has been cut off for a moment. If it’s the driving force behind people’s movement, you’ll be stuck. So when you’re dumbfounded by something, or when it’s too much to say anything, it’s called “기가 막히다.”