A Guide to Korean Numbers

A Guide to Korean Numbers

안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo) language enthusiasts! Today, we’re into the fascinating world of Korean numbers – a crucial aspect of the language that not only helps you communicate but also unveils cultural traces. From everyday conversations to navigating through markets and understanding Korean age, mastering these numbers is a key step in your Korean language journey. Korean…

The reasons for learning Hangul and the principles behind creating Hangul

The reasons for learning Hangul and the principles behind creating Hangul

Welcome, everyone, to Inae’s Korean class! Today, I’ll introduce some key aspects of the Korean language and outline the reasons why learning Korean is beneficial. Let’s start with an introduction to the Korean language. Korean is an incredibly practical language, spoken by approximately 770 million people, including Koreans and Korean expatriates. It ranks as the…

What is “기가 막히다(gi-ga ma-ki-da)” mean?

What is “기가 막히다(gi-ga ma-ki-da)” mean?

What is “기가 막히다(gi-ga ma-ki-da)” mean? Like A Korean  Q: 선생님 TV에서 “기가 막히다”라는 말을 많이 들었어요. It says “unbelievable”, 그런데 더 자세하게 알고 싶어요.  I’ve heard the phrase “기가 막히다” a lot on TV. It says “unbelievable,” but I want to know more about it. A: 맞아요. “기가 막히다”는 좀 충격적이거나 믿기 힘든 일이 있을…

Like A Korean Academy

Like A Korean Academy

안녕하세요, Inae Kim here. Welcome to LAK Academy’s first blog!  🎉 My team and I are making it📰 to provide some tips about learning Korean and how to practice Korean! Not only that, but we also want you to immerse yourself in the language and take a deep dive into Korean culture as well. So,…